Meta (formerly the Facebook company) has unveiled a new ‘classifier tool’ that detects teens who lie about their age on picture and video-sharing platform Instagram.
As Bloomberg originally reported, the business plans to use a tool called the “adult classifier” early next year. This technology will detect users under the age of eighteen and automatically apply Instagram’s more restricted privacy settings to them.
The software will examine metrics such as the accounts a user follows and the material they frequently engage with, according to Allison Hartnett, head of product management for youth and social impact at Meta.
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Regardless of the age a person claims to be on their profile, the classifier tool will switch them to a teen account if it believes they are under the age of 18.
The adult classification program is reportedly a component of Meta’s larger initiative to make it more difficult for users to fabricate their age on Instagram.
The company also intends to alert teenagers who try to register for a new account with a different birthday and an email address that is already linked to an existing account.
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