Talented Nigerian musician Raoul John Njeng Njeng popularly known in music circles as Skales has revealed how a sick pilot made him lose N15 million show fee.
In a post on his Instagram page, the versatile musician shared his disgust and anger after his flight was canceled because the pilot was not feeling fine.
Skales said he had lost the sum of N15 million due to the cancellation of the flight and was even more angered because the airline officials had to wait until it was flight time before informing expectant travelers that the flight had been canceled.
READ ALSO: Skales shares disturbing post on social media about his mental health
The singer wrote; ”@greenafrica__ wow! I booked a flight to Akure … I got to the airport early, we checked in and all of a sudden you canceled the flight because your pilot got sick? This is unbelievable man.. I have lost money( I was paid 15 million naira by @seyivodi for f*** sake) because of your horrible customer disrespect…
‘‘So you knew all along that your pilot was sick or is this some sick joke … you waited until it was flight time .. I just can’t believe this … this country man gosh … we go see”.
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