A Chinese scientist and his research team have developed a robot that can display highly expressive human-like facial features.
The robot developed by Liu Xiaofeng, a professor at Hohai University in East China’s Jiangsu Province and his research team is thought to have imbibed the feature following the formulation of a new algorithm for generating facial expressions on humanoid robots.
According to Liu, the inability of humanoid robots to replicate the nuanced and authentic facial emotions exhibited by humans causes difficulties in captivating consumers.
The researchers tackled this problem by developing a comprehensive two-phase method to improve the range of realistic facial expressions that self-governing emotional robots can portray.
READ ALSO:Chinese scientists unveil robot capable of displaying facial expressions
Liu revealed that their approach first produced photos of complex robot facial expressions led by artificial units.
They created an effective robot in the second phase with several degrees of freedom for facial motions, allowing it to mimic the artificially generated fine-grained facial expressions.
“To preserve the integrity of AUs while mitigating identity interference, we leverage a latent facial attribute space to disentangle expression-related and expression–unrelated cues, employing solely the former for expression synthesis,” said researchers in the study.
“In the subsequent phase, we actualize an affective robot endowed with multifaceted degrees of freedom for facial movements, facilitating the embodiment of the synthesized fine-grained facial expressions.”
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